This Course is complementary to my Limitless OS Notion Template. I created this course to be a great companion to my template. Showing you around and helping you to set up the template. I decided to make it publicly available so that you can get some inspiration out of it for your own Notion Journey, but if you want to get the most out of it, feel free to grab your copy of Limitless OS Notion Template.

Projects & Archive

The course is a little out of date. There were a lot of updates to Limitless OS, so at times, the template in the videos can seem different. I'll try to make a new, updated course as soon as I can.

The Work Center page is where we do most of our productive work.

Now you'll see what I meant by having only 14 databases and everything is built on those.

The 5 main pages (Dashboard, Projects, Areas, Resources, Archive) are gathering information from these main databases. 

Here you can see, how many Tasks databases we use, to have different looks, see different information.

An important piece of info:The project database is used also as a category. If you check, in the projects database, under the "Status" property, you have an "Ongoing (Category)". As you can see, you have 3 projects used as categories:

  • Personal
  • Side-Hustle
  • Work

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